Publikuprogramm näitusel

16:00-17:00 Pressikonverents
18:00-22:00 Näituse avamine Tartu Kunstimajas
18:30-19:00 Avakõne Look into my Ice meeskonnalt ja Tartu Kunstimaja esindajatelt
19:30-20:00 Performance Dongbin Lee ‘Echoes of Neglect: The Hidden Cost of Consumption’
20:30-21:00 Performance Nara Bak and Hye Young Sin ‘harahara – All come without asking’

15:00-18:00 Töötuba Nina Allmoslechner ‘Earthing during climate anxiety: Could creativity have the ability to ground us in fast and changing environments?’

15:00-16:00 Performance Jaanika Peerna ‘Glacier Elegy Tartu’
16:00-17:00 Kuraatorituur (eesti- ja inglise keeles)

20.07.2024 16:00-17:00 Kuraatorituur (inglise- ja vene keeles)
28.07.2024 16:00-17:00 Tuur näitusel
10.08.2024 16:00-17:00 Tuur näitusel (eesti-, inglise- ja vene keeles)

18:00-21:00 Näituse lõpetamine
18:00-20:00 Paneeldiskussioon.Climate Art Collection koostöös

(Toimub ka teisi üritusi Tartus ja Äksis – tutvu täisprogrammiga siin:

4-5 pm: Press conference
6-10 pm: Opening Exhibition Tartu Art House
6:30-7 pm: Opening speech by the Look into my Ice team and Tartu Art House representatives
7:30-8 pm: Dongbin Lee performance ‘Echoes of Neglect: The Hidden Cost of Consumption’
8:30-9 pm: Nara Bak and Hye Young Sin performance: ‘harahara – All come without asking’

3-6 pm: Nina Allmoslechner workshop ‘Earthing during climate anxiety: Could creativity have the ability to ground us in fast and changing environments?’

3-4 pm: Jaanika Peerna performance ‘Glacier Elegy tartu’
4-5 pm: Guided tour with curator (English, Estonian)

20.07.2024 4-5 pm: Guided tour with curator (English, Russian)
28.07.2024 4-5 pm: Guided tour (English, Russian)
10.08.2024 4-5 pm: Guided tour (Estonian, English, Russian, German)

6-9 pm: Closing of the exhibition
6-8 pm: Panel Talk in cooperation with the Climate Art Collection

(More events are taking place in Tartu and in Äksi – please check out our programme here:

Rubriigid: Määratlemata. Salvesta püsiviide oma järjehoidjasse.