Korter 6

Korter 6 on Tartu Kunstnike Liidu hallatav külaliskorter, mis asub otse Tartu kunstielu keskmes Vanemuise tn 26 (Tartu Kunstimaja) neljandal korrusel. Samas majas asub hulgaliselt ateljeesid, kolm galeriid ning kunstitarvete kauplus. Korteris (51 m2) on kaks tuba, eraldi köök ning eraldi tualett ja vannituba. Lisaks korterile on võimalik rentida samas majas asuvat ateljeed (33 m2). Oleme sisustanud korteri pidades silmas pereresidentuuri vajadusi ning korter sobib kuni kahe lapsega perekonnale. Korteri juurde käib ka parkimiskoht Kunstimaja hoovis. Suitsetamine on korteris keelatud.

Korteris ringkäigu tegemiseks vajutage fotode paremal ülanurgas olevatele nooltele ning navigeerige hiirega.

Info: sekretar@kunstimaja.ee

Korteri ja ateljee hind üheks kuuks on 950.-.

Apartment 6

Apartment 6 is a guest apartment managed by the Tartu Artists’ Union that is located on the third floor of the Tartu Art House at Vanemuise 26 right in the middle of the art life of Tartu. The same building contains numerous studios, three galleries and an art supplies store. The apartment (51 m2) has two rooms, a separate kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom. In addition to the apartment, a guest studio (33 m2) can also be rented. We have furnished the apartment with the intent of providing it for family residences and it is suitable for a family with up to two children. The apartment is accompanied by a parking space in the courtyard of the Tartu Art House. Smoking in the apartment is forbidden.

To take a tour of the apartment, click on the arrows in the upper right corner of the photo and navigate using a mouse.

Info: sekretar@kunstimaja.ee

The combined price of the apartment and studio is 950 euros per month.

Korteri sisekujundus / Interior design: Evelin Zolotko