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Kaugkuulamise õhtu Jim Haynes’i, Dawn Scarfe’ ja Rostislav Rekuta’ga
Õhtu moderaator: Taavi Suisalu
Neljapäeval 30. aprillil kell 19:00
Tartu Kunstimaja suures saalis
Seekordne MoKSi kohtumine esitleb kolme kunstnikku. Kohtumisel keskendutakse ülekannetele, heli kandmisele ühest kohast teise erinevate vahendite abil nagu näiteks raadio, internet, välisalvestised. Kunstnike töös olevate tegemiste (works-in-progress) tutvustamise eesmärgiks on julgustada dialoogi ja heita pilk väljakutsetele mis aitavad sillata kunstnikeideid kuulaja kõrva.
Vestlus toimub inglise keeles ja on tasuta. Sarja korraldamist rahastab 2015. aastal Eesti Kultuurkapital ja Eesti Vabariigi Kultuuriministeerium.
Lisainfo Evelyn Grzinich 5 138 599
MoKS Meetings, April 30th Tartu Artists Union Gallery 7pm
Transmissions in Sound: an evening of remote listening with Jim Haynes,
Dawn Scarfe and Rostislav Rekuta
Moderated by Taavi Suisalu
Part of the public outreach program of the Active Crossover residency at
MoKS, curated by Simon Whetham.
In recent years, artists who work with sound have been confronted by the blanket term “sound art”, which like term “visual art” risks allowing
its audiences and even practitioners, to overlook the diverse approaches which inform and enhance individual creative practice. For this MoKS Meeting we will focus on the notion of ‘transmission’ in the displacement of sound from one place to another through various media
such as radio, internet and recordings from the field. Through experiencing works-in-progress, the aim is to encourage a dialogue with our guests whose range of backgrounds is as unique as their approach in
order to understand the constant challenges of bridging ideas with the ears of audiences.